It can be awkward visiting a church for the first time, but let us try to ease any anxiety you might have.
We are not a social club, but a family. We are a diverse group of people (in age, race, class, culture) united by our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We expect new people to be among us and so you can anticipate receiving a warm welcome as you enter. At the same time, know that we will not call you out pubilcly or do anything to draw attention to your presence.
What is the service like? Our service lasts about one hour, during which we worship the Lord through singing, prayer, Scripture reading, the Sacraments, and a 30-minute sermon on a specific text of the Scripture. We try to do a variety of styles of songs that will appeal to the diversity of our congregation: from traditional hymns to Gospel songs to contemporary choruses and hymns. We celebrate Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) on the first Sunday of every month and regularly baptize both children and adults.
What should I wear? You will find that there is no dress code for our worship services. Some will wear their “Sunday best” while others dress more casually. Most land somewhere in the middle. We encourage you to come as you are.
Where do I go? Our sanctuary is hard to miss, but confusing to access if you’re coming to worship for the first time. You are welcome to park on 2nd St. or in the driveway that goes to the right of the sanctuary from 2nd St and enter from the main doors. Or, park in the back lot and enter through either of the two back entrances and follow the hallway to the sanctuary.
What about kids? We have a nursery for kids through preschool during both Sunday School and Worship. The nursery is located on the back hall near the PDS office. Park in the back lot, enter through the right back entrance, take a left at the first hallway, and nursery is first door on the left. If you are at all confused, don’t hesitate to ask someone. Kids from 4 years-1st grade worship with their parents and are dismissed to Children’s Church during the sermon.
Is there an offering? We have one offering each Sunday as an act of worship. Giving is between you and God. Our staff does not know who gives or how much. Ushers collect and count the offering. Envelopes are available for anyone who wants a tax receipt.